
Whole Wheat Coconut Muffin Buns

I am not sure if in some other world these whole wheat coconut muffin buns are standard. They ought to be.. They are cute, tasty and delicious. They are everything  you would want to wake up to on a Sunday morning or for that matter any other day of the week. I have a feeling that with a glaze of coconut syrup they might make the ultimate breakfast muffin buns... but I am yet to verify the latter..

As many of you might have recognized, these buns were inspired by the famous Dilkhush Buns. Literally translated, Dilkhush means "makes you happy" and the traditional Dilkhush buns do just that... make you happy with their pillowy soft milk bread casing and coconut-dry fruit-and-tuttti frutti stuffing.  

My muffin buns do the same... though they have a whole wheat potato bread casing rather than a white milk bread. 

They make you happy and make you sing a healthy song.. at every single bite. 

They are great with tea and coffee, even a glass of cold milk, if that is your thing.... 

So go ahead and make some Irish Whole Wheat Potato Rolls and some Coconut Muffin Buns with the leftover dough. I promise you'll be delighted !

Whole Wheat Coconut Muffin Buns

Recipe by Tanusree Khandai
Prep time: 3 hours                                                                                            Cook time: 30-35 minutes
Yield: 6 or 12 depending upon the size
  • half of the whole wheat potato roll dough (find recipe here)
  • ¾ cup grated coconut (I used frozen)
  • ¼ cup hazelnuts
  • ¼ cup dried cranberry
  • 3 tbsps sugar
  • ¼ cup milk powder
Cooking Directions
  1. Following steps 1-4 make the dough for the whole wheat potato buns. Divide half of the dough into 6 or 12 equal parts depending on the size of muffins you prefer. (I recommend dividing the dough into 6 parts but it is really up to you !)
  2. If using frozen grated coconut, microwave the coconut for 2-3 minutes till it feels somewhat dry. Then add the remaining ingredients to it and mix well.
  3. Over a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough balls into 3 inch round discs.
  4. Place coconut filling in the center and bring the edges together, pocketing the coconut filling.
  5. Place the stuffed dough balls in well greased muffin cups, cover them with a kitchen towel and leave them in a warm corner of the kitchen until they double, about 45-60 minutes.
  6. Meanwhile center the rack and preheat oven to 375 °F.
  7. Once doubled, bake the muffin buns for 30-35 minutes until they turn golden brown and pull-off from the sides of the pan.
  8. Cool completely before serving.
Yeastspotting them and sharing these at the following parties...



  1. I'll take one of these for breakfast any day! I've never tried a muffin bun before, but love the shape and tasty filling. And of course with potato rolls as a base, these must be good...

  2. wow such a great buns they turned out so great dear

  3. I think these definitely would make me happy! Very interesting recipe! Stopping by to let you know that I am featuring this recipe on #GetHimFed Friday this week. I hope you will come by and link up again!

  4. Piękne i na pewno bardzo smaczne :)))


Thanks for stopping by. It was nice having you here. Have a good day.

Take care and come back soon.
Best, Tanusree

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