
Compote de Pommes # French Fridays with Dorie

My son loves apples. He also loves applesauce and occasionally likes to have some with his morning toast. Toast and applesauce ? Though the combination might sound a little weird, it works for him.. So we always have a supply of Musselman's Applesauce at home. But I guess making applesauce the French way  is as easy as opening a jar of store-brought applesauce. well almost...  Just peel the apples, chop them, simmer them in a container with water, sugar, vanilla extract and some butter. 20 minutes later mash the contents and spoon out a bowl of fresh and delicious applesauce. YUMMM....

As a member of french friday's with Dorie I am not supposed to post the recipe on the blog. You can however find the recipe here. I almost used the same measures except that I used 3 tablespoonss of sugar instead of 1/4 and 1 tablespoon of butter instead of 2. For more delicious recipes order your copies of Around the French Table from Amazon or from The Book Depository and join us as we cook our way through the book.


  1. Yup- Musselman containers were always on hand with my boys too. Glad and I made this and look forward to now treating them to some home made sauce when they return home from college/boarding school. Better late than never !!

  2. Applesauce and toast sounds fine with me, but I am someone who puts cottage cheese on toast, which, by the way, is delicious too. Glad you enjoyed making this, it is easy and very delicious.

  3. I love homemade applesauce, so I'm glad you discovered how easy it is. Also nice that your son is a big fan.

  4. wow applesauce and toast i haven't tried yet will try it for sure :)

  5. There's nothing like homemade applesauce, is there?


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Best, Tanusree

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