

Kiwi Pear Basil Smoothie

Hi ! Hope you all are keeping well and enjoying summer to the fullest. We've been busy packing our way off USA. With only three weeks left to go to India, the move is finally feeling more real every day. Piece by piece our furnitures are selling off, cardboard boxes are getting filled and stacked around the corners. Our car is sold and right now, we are pretty much dependent on friends and rentals to move around. The move is a little confusing for our toddler. He was born here and to him, India has always meant holiday. He cannot yet understand the need to give away everything before leaving for India... Guess it'll take sometime before the idea of moving countries sink into him..

Anyway all that has been keeping me occupied and away. But it feels strange to neglect this space for long. So I thought I'll just drop by to say hello and share a smoothie that I whipped the other day. Made with Kiwi, pear, banana and raisins this smoothie is wonderfully filling and satisfying. The coconut milk renders it a quaintly tropical flavor, while the basil renders a freshness that is delightful. Since the kiwis in hand were sour-ish, I added a helping of honey. Skip it if you have the sweetish kiwis or add little less according to taste ...  

Kiwi Pear Basil Smoothie

Recipe by Tanusree 
Total time: 10 minutes + chilling time
Yield: almost 3 cups

  • 3 kiwi, peeled and de-cored
  • 1 pear
  • ⅓ over-ripe banana
  • 5 basil leaves+ more for garnish
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • ¼-½ tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp honey (or cream of coconut)
  • 1-1½ tsp golden raisins
Cooking Directions
  1. Put all the ingredients in the jar of the blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Chill for 30 minutes if you have the time and serve.
I shall be sharing this at the following parties.


  1. such a delicious smoothie... really refreshing...

  2. i've never thought of combining pears and kiwi in a smoothie, it sounds like a great idea

  3. pear kiwi and coconut milk.... interesting combinations. Got to try it.

  4. Thats all you need on a hot sultry day !! Yummy !

  5. Love the sound of all those flavours. I co-host Sweet and Savoury Sunday and would love for you to stop by and share this and other recipes with us. Have a great day!

  6. would love to try this. sounds delicious.

  7. I am so glad to learn about kiwi pear basil smoothie. It turned out fantastic and would love my kids to try it too. I take Green drink every morning but my kids didn’t liked it much and was seeking ideas to make them flavorful.


Thanks for stopping by. It was nice having you here. Have a good day.

Take care and come back soon.
Best, Tanusree