

French Ruffly Poached Eggs

The French sure know how to make the mundane look spectacular. 

Look what they did to the white of a poached egg. 

They found a way to ruffle it and called it Ruffly Poached Egg. 

I made one for lunch today and then snapped because it looked so
pretty.. don't you agree ?

Hop over to Dorie's page to know how to make these.. I used her recipe and it worked great !

Sending the first photograph to "The Colour Me Photography Challenge Series"  ~ Colour Me White , a photography event  at Priya's  place The Humpty Dumpty Kitchen. 

Sending the second photograph to the Black and White Wednesday #90. Black and White Wednesday is a Culinary Photography Event created by Susan of The Well-Seasoned Cook, now organized by Cinzia of Cindystar and this week Priya of  The Humpty Dumpty Kitchen is hosting it.


  1. Lovely clicks dear.. Love that ruffly poached egg :)

  2. Beautiful clicks Tanu :) And I will have to try the ruffly version of poached eggs soon - I am sure mine won't be as pretty as yours though :)

  3. I agree completely: the poached egg looks adorable. Great job with the dish and the photo.

  4. Loved the poached egg. Bumped in here through the BW Wednesday event. Lovely clicks.


Thanks for stopping by. It was nice having you here. Have a good day.

Take care and come back soon.
Best, Tanusree