

Recipe Blog Swap : Lemon Thyme Mushrooms by Faith from The F List...

Happy Memorial Day !! Its also the day for the Old Fashioned Recipe Blog Swap ! Remember. I mentioned it last week. I am really excited to participate in this fun food event organized my 

Julie of White Lights on Wednesday

Kelly of Miss Information &

Rachel  of i love my disorganized life,

who have who have paired up 30 incredible bloggers to trade recipes on each others blogs for the day.

I am swapping blogs with Faith from The F List who has an incredible blog full of healthy recipes, fitness tips and more. Here she is sharing with you  the recipe of her fabulous Lemon Thyme Mushrooms.... I just know you’re going to love what she’s got for you. I know I am loving it and can't wait to try.

I am sharing my special Broccoli Lentil Soup on her blog. I am sure you wouldn't like to miss it. So head that way and check it out! If you want to go see all of the recipes in the blog swap be sure to go and visit one of the host’s  Rachel {i love my disorganized life}, Julie {White Lights on Wednesday} or  Kelley {Miss Information}, to see all the recipes linked up in the swap.

Now over to Faith as she tells you the recipe....

Ever have one of those nights where you have next to nothing in your fridge? That was me tonight. I found tofu, shredded carrots, a lemon, and mushrooms. Kind of hard to make a meal out of…

That is until I remembered one of my favorite recipes – Chicken with Lemon & thyme sauce. This dish got me a 100% on my culinary arts final back in high school, so you know it has to be good. It consisted of a floured/seared chicken breast that was finished with a sauce made of garlic, lemon, butter, thyme, salt and pepper. Delicious, and easy. That's my motto.

Now, I don't eat meat any more, but mushrooms really have a great meaty flavored when they are seared, so I thought I'd give this recipe adaptation a try! The results were fabulous.

Lemon Thyme Mushrooms 
1 8oz. container sliced mushrooms (or slice your own) 
1 T fresh thyme leaves 
½ lemon 
1 clove garlic 
1 T olive oil 
2 T white wine

They key to developing flavor in mushrooms is a very hot pan. Swirl 1 T olive oil in a skillet over high heat. Once the pan is nice and hot, drop your mushrooms in with 1 crushed clove of garlic. You'll remove the garlic once the mushrooms are cooked through. By only crushing the clove (yet keeping it whole) you get the flavor of the garlic without burning it because the pan is so hot for the mushrooms. Your mushrooms will start out looking like this :

Once the mushrooms have turned a nice golden brown, squeeze the juice from ½ a lemon. This will deglaze your pan and get all those delicious baked on mushroom bits off the bottom. You can also add 2 T white wine to assist in the deglazing of the pan. Season with Salt and Pepper to taste. Add your thyme at the very end (you don't want to cook it, just warmed through for fragrance and flavor – keep it bright green!). 
This is great as a side dish on its own but can also be very easily turned into a sauce by adding more wine, butter, cream – whatever you please. I ate my mushrooms over some brown rice, but they would taste great over whole wheat pasta or polenta too. 

I hope you enjoy! For more healthy recipes, workout tips, and musings on the fun of living in Northern Virginia, visit my blog at

Thank you Faith for this lovely recipe and thanks a lot Julie, Kelly and Rachel for organizing this Recipe Blog Swap !


  1. Wow - I love mushrooms and these look fantastic... hopping around the swap.

  2. Delicious mushrooms Looks easy side dish Tanu.

  3. Thyme and mushrooms are two of my favorite things to eat and cook. :) I'll try to add lemon like you did next time I cook mushrooms. Thanks for sharing.

  4. This looks amazing! My family will love it!


Thanks for stopping by. It was nice having you here. Have a good day.

Take care and come back soon.
Best, Tanusree