

Zabaglione with fresh peaches, raspberries and mint..

Zabaglione is a simple and lovely Italian dessert that we had with peaches, raspberries and mint the other night. It was light and tasty. and the plate with its variations of colors and textures was an absolute delight.  The Gourmet Sleuth writes that ' Zabaglione or Sabayon as the French refer to it,  is said to have been invented in the 16th Century in Florence, Italy in the court of the Medici.   This dessert is  classified as a "caudle" rather than a custard. That is, it is a sauce used as a custard to fill pies or tarts.  The original pre-sixteenth century version was a drink made or wine or ale thickened with egg yolks.' However the version I cooked is from Lucinda's Rustic Italian Kitchen. It is easy and can be cooked and served in less than 10 minutes.

now the recipe and a snap to drool over :) 
Recipe adapted from Lucinda's Rustic Italian Kitchen

1 peach
2 large egg yolks
3 tablespoon Cooking Marsala wine
2 teaspoons sugar
5-6 raspberries
few mint leaves for garnishing

what i did.
  • i first boiled a small pot of water, dunk the peach into the boiling water for a few seconds, then plunged it immediately into cold water. this made it easy to peel the peach off its skin. once its skin was peeled i halved it and after removing the pit set it on the serving plate.
  • next placing a small saucepan over a large skillet filled with 1 inch of water, i brought the water to simmer. then adding the egg yolks,  Marsala wine and sugar to the small pan, whisked the mixture continuously until it was thick and creamy, around 2-3 minutes. then removing it from the heat, i poured it over the peaches that had been plated. and after garnishing with few raspberries and mint leaves served and relished this eggilicious dessert.
i also tried whipping the zabaglione using white grape juice in place of Marsala wine. that version tasted  sweeter and more like the custard that we usually have. whereas with the cooking Marsala wine there was a nice vino touch which i preferred.


  1. Love the snap Tanu! Zabaglione sounds easy to whip up, yet delish :)

    1. yes this is so simple and looks very elegant too. i actually wanted to send you this one for your Red challenge. but didn't get around editing the picture before the closing date :(

  2. Hi Tanu, this dessert sure look luscious. Guess hard to stop eating too. Nice click.

    Have a nice weekend, regards.

  3. one of my favorite sweet dish. do visit me too.

  4. I'm pinning this for peach season. I think I've had this before. Sounds amazing.

  5. That a simple yet delicious dessert which i might feel like eating after a heavy meal.
    Thank you for sharing and travelling with us to Italy .
    We are going to Ireland next month on 11th .
    Do link your Irish dishes next month .


Thanks for stopping by. It was nice having you here. Have a good day.

Take care and come back soon.
Best, Tanusree