

GYCO Reveal ~ The Loaded Rib Cage..

Two weeks back, while making my usual rounds around my favorites in blogosphere, I stumbled upon this fun competition...  

Get your Chef On-Beer

Without thinking any further I simply signed for it... and then spent a good deal of time thinking what to cook ?? Considering the fact that I don't drink at all, coming up with a recipe that included beer seemed like a real challenge. and that is when Mr MN came into the picture and suggested a few combos. he said  " try beer bread or  a beered tandoori chicken. those combos go well.. " so i sat over his ideas for a while and then googled a little, landed on this awesome blog and thought of...... TADAAA... 


The experiment a super-duper hit. Mr MN and i LOVED it and we thank the host  

Jen @ Four Mars and One Venus 
 Julie @ White Lights on Wednesday  and
Co-Host Paula @ Call Me PMc 

for bringing home the GYCO - Beer Challenge that brought the chef out in us and made us create a hell of a recipe !
now ready to get a little tipsy... read and try this recipe along with me...
for the rib cage (i used 1/2 of the dough to make a 15 inch long rib cage)
3/4 cup Guinness Draught Beer
2 large eggs
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 cups bread flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 1/2 teaspoon bread machine yeast 

for the chicken filling
3 tablespoons oil
3/4 cup finely chopped onions
1 cup Guinness Draught Beer
1 1/2 tablespoon Swad Tandoori Masala
3 mushroom heads thinly sliced
1/2 cup frozen peas 
4 chicken tenders, and marinated
salt to taste

for the chicken marinade
2 teaspoons ginger-garlic paste 
2 teaspoons vinegar 
1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce 
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 

1/8 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoons of cornflour

what i did.
  • as with all my chicken preparations, 4 hours prior to cooking i cleaned and chopped the chicken tenders into 1/4 inch pieces , whisked the ingredients of the marinade in a bowl, poured it into a resealable plastic bag and added chicken pieces coating them evenly with the marinade. then sealing the bag i marinated the chicken in the refrigerator till i was ready to cook.
  • making the dough for the rib cage was easy. i simply put the ingredients into the pan of my bread machine and programmed it on the dough cycle. 
  • while the dough was being kneaded i began cooking the chicken. to begin with, I heated 2 tablespoons of the oil in my large iron skillet, then added the chopped onions in it. Sauteed the onions for  about 5 minutes, then added 1/4 cup Guinness to it, simmered until most of the liquid  evaporated, then repeated this three more times.
  • once the onions were caramelized in the beer, i added in the tandoori masala, mushrooms and peas and let it cook till the raw smell of the masala was gone, about 4-5 minutes. then i added in the marinated chicken and salt and cooked it with the rest of the ingredients for about  8-10 minutes. i then removed it from the heat and covered it and kept aside.
  • in 1 1/2 hours when the dough cycle completed, I divided the dough into 2 halves. then rolled out a 15 inch by 9 inch sheet out of one half of the dough and using the pictorial guide here, i loaded my dough with the chicken filling and braided close the open rib cage, covered it lightly with a plastic wrap and left it on the kitchen counter to rise for the next 45 minutes...

  • 15 minutes before baking, i preheated the oven to 350 degree F, and once that was done, i put my loaded dough in the oven and baked it for 35-37 minutes. 
the bread seemed a little hard when i took it out from the oven. so i wrapped it in a kitchen towel and left it that way on the kitchen counter. 10 minutes when i unwrapped... i was excited with how soft the bread was... and don't even get me started on the chicken filling... it was AMAZING... my only regret is that i forgot to egg wash the dough surface before putting it in the oven. as a result it did not look as glazy as i would have wanted it...but with a baby clinging to your feet, such details often escape you at the right moment.... so don't hold me for that... this recipe is a real winner and you HAVE to try it to know that :)


  1. Stopping by from GYCO~ I love the name of this!! What a great recipe..reminds me of Stromboli~ new follower:) Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines Chili Dogs

  2. Get out! This looks amazing! It looked good just as a bread, but stuffed with chicken it's a whole meal! Can't wait to try it!

  3. WOW! This looks so good your recipe is awesome. I will definitely give this a try.

    Joanne/Winelady Cooks

  4. This is a spectacular concoction. Thank you for sharing at What'd You Do This Weekend! Linda

  5. Holy Hana! Loaded ribcage- get outta town! Looks super!!


Thanks for stopping by. It was nice having you here. Have a good day.

Take care and come back soon.
Best, Tanusree