

French Fridays With Dorie : Goat Cheese and Strawberry Tartine

You know how I had been gawking at all the dishes that the Dorista's were making for French Fridays with Dorie. So last weekend I picked up a copy of "Around the French Table" from the library and soon after ordered a copy of the book and i registered myself as a member of the club. My book arrived day before yesterday. Ever since I have been flipping the pages, drooling over the photographs and bookmarking the simpler dishes which the members have completed.... I sampled a simple and fantastic recipe last night and packed some for mister's lunch today. more on that soon. For now let talk about Goat Cheese and Strawberry Tartine. 

Even before joining the club I had bookmarked this recipe. The combination of sweet strawberries with salty goat had seemed startling. But the simplicity of the recipe was inviting enough to want me to make these. So trusting the chef's expertise on the combination I had decided to try it out and finally i made these fancy French sandwiches this morning. 

Of course there is no denying the fact that the tartine look gorgeous. I liked the combination. However I did not find it extraordinary. It tasted as we had expected it to taste.  Since the strawberries I had weren't very sweet I liked the tartine better with a bit of whipped cream on top. 

Would I make these again ?  Probably yes. because they are so pretty to look at. I will however slip in a few baguette slices with goat cheese and sliced red grapes along side, since i love that combination so much more..

As a member of french friday's with Dorie I am not supposed to post the recipe on the blog.  You can however take a peek into the book and order your copies of Around the French Table from Amazon or from The Book Depository.


  1. This is so simple and delicious! I love it!

  2. Love the simplicity of this recipe,looks so good,will try this combo


Thanks for stopping by. It was nice having you here. Have a good day.

Take care and come back soon.
Best, Tanusree