I just realized that last I did not do my A Cake A Week post. Not that I did not bake any.. just that the photos came in late and then i got busy with other things and forgot all about it... anyway... so i baked this gorgeous bundt cake last week...
I baked it for mother's day celebration at my son's daycare. and it was quite befitting for the occasion... since it was fruity and mildly sweet. and Alex's sauce... ohh... it was delicious. after tasting the prepared cake i really regretted for having poured so little of it over the cake. though the cake was perfect to take to the daycare, those with a sweet-tooth like me might want to bake it with an extra helping of sugar or serve it with a generous helping of the ginger-grape sauce. at least that is what i intend to do next time. anyway here's the recipe from The Italian Dish that i followed this time .... and in my opinion, with the topping and all this mildly sweet fruity cake easily qualifies as one of my finest cakes of the season.
now the recipe of the cake as adapted from The Italian Dish and the recipe of Chef Alexandra Guarnaschelli's sauce...
for the grape bundt cake
for the cake-sauce
what i did
so that was the cake i baked last week... mildly sweet and topped with an amazing sauce. i'll probably bake and rant about an eggless version of this cake soon.. till then this shall be my Grape bundt cake... and before i sign off there is something exciting i wanted to share ... well, this month I’m participating in a Good Old Fashioned Recipe Blog Swap!
have paired up 30 incredible bloggers to trade blogs for a day.
So on 27th May Faith Albers from the F list and I will be sharing a fabulous recipe on each other’s blogs {but we can’t tell you what they are, because they’re a secret!}. Be sure to visit both of us since we wouldn’t want you to miss out on any of the deliciousness!
I love bundt cake, as it is beautiful, love this grape fruit version. sauce looks delicious.